Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Constitution of the United States of America

April 14th we had our book club discussion and it was great. What a divinely directed document and what humble men to set it forth as the guiding law for this promised land! The question that we felt was the most important for us was: Now that we have read the Constitution, what do we do with it? What a great, thought provoking question. Here is what we decided. First, we need to keep this document in our homes, read it, refer to it, teach our children and others about it. Next, we need to be aware of what is happening around us. This means know what is going on in the various levels of government so that we can have our say when we feel it is important. It is just a matter of being informed. Finally, it is vital to have the Spirit of our Heavenly Father with us so that we will always know what to do and where to focus our energies. If we do these things, we can be responsible citizens and always put first things first.

Our next meeting will be held in May and we will discuss The 5000 Year Leap. I am definitely looking forward to this discussion.